Skipping The Biggest Shopping Day

For so many of us Black Friday has become a huge, stressful ordeal over the years. Sometimes it can even be a spectacle as we have seen on the news. Some people get all their holiday shopping done on Friday and even get a few deals for themselves. 

There has been a movement, in recent years, to opt out of the shopping craze and do something meaningful. The focus is less on consuming material things and more so connecting with others, our surroundings and ourselves. As someone who helps people let go of their excess belongings, I love this movement.

When we have less stuff to manage we spend less time worrying about that stuff and more time with family, friends or ourselves.  If the idea of getting up before the sun and battling the crowds to shop on Black Friday stresses you out then check out my list of alternative activities below.

Alternate Fun Activities

Go for a Hike

Get outside for some vitamin D


With family or friends bake holiday goodies 

DIY Gifts 

Get your craft on and create decorations or gifts for others

Catch a Movie 

Pick a fun movie for the family and friends, even if it’s from the comfort of home

Purge for Presents 

Clear out and donate items you don’t use or need

Game Day 

Start a new tradition of doing games and puzzles together

Take a Day Trip 

Find a local place to visit like a zoo or museum


Pay it forward and help out your favorite organization. So many organizations are overwhelmed during this season of giving and could use your help sorting items to better distribute to those in need.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few ideas of what you can do on Black Friday if you don’t want to hit the stores. Whenever you do your shopping this year, consider shopping locally as much as possible. Your money goes back into your community and you can support your local business owners. 

I’d love to hear what you’re doing if you don’t go shopping. Share in the comments or tag me in your activities!

Contact me here or my social media for more!

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